Partai Perindo Menganjurkan Bazar Sembako Hemat di Jakarta Timur, Dihadiri oleh Banyak Warga


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DPD Partai Perindo Jakarta Timur held a cheap staple food bazaar in the Pisangan Timur Pulogadung area on Friday (10/11/2023). Photo: MPI/Muhammad Farhan

JAKARTA – DPD Partai Perindo East Jakarta held a cheap staple food bazaar in the Pisangan Timur Pulogadung area on Friday (10/11/2023). The cheap staple food bazaar for owners of the Perindo Party Insurance KTA reached 2,000 packages.

The cheap staple food bazaar was crowded with residents of RW 06 on Jalan Bujana Tirta 2 Number 6, RT 10/RW 06, Pisangan Timur, Pulo Gadung, and was packed.
East Jakarta Perindo held a cheap staple food bazaar with 2.5 kilograms of rice and one liter of cooking oil at half the market price, which is only Rp20 thousand.

The Chairman of the East Jakarta DPD of the Perindo Party, Berman Nainggolan, stated that the cheap staple food bazaar with half-price was intended for residents who were registered as owners of the Perindo KTA, which had reached 7,500 people in their area.

However, specifically in the Pisangan Timur area, the total number of cheap staple food packages provided is only a third of the total KTA holder.

“Especially in the Pisangan Timur area, we provide 2,000 packages of cheap staple food. This is only a third of the total number of Perindo insurance KTA holders in East Jakarta alone,” said Berman at the location.

The Jakarta Provincial DPRD Candidate for District 4 Jakarta with the bird logo, expanding wings, and number 16 on the 2024 General Election ballot paper, said that the enthusiasm of the residents for the cheap staple food bazaar was very high.

Berman explained that the crowds of residents of RW 06 Pisangan Timur surged the cheap staple food bazaar because this area is their base in East Jakarta.

Partai Perindo Gelar Bazar Sembako Murah di Jakarta Timur, Warga Membeludak

“The large number of residents from RW 06 Pisangan Timur who crowded the cheap staple food bazaar is because this area is our base in East Jakarta. Therefore, we are here to provide evidence to the community, not just promises,” explained Berman.

The enthusiasm of the residents, who were mostly mothers and elderly women, was used as a means of close socialization by Berman. The cadres of the party led by the Chairman of the Perindo Party, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, and supporting the 2024 Presidential Election presidential candidate, Ganjar Pranowo, continued to interact and play quizzes with the residents.

“Come on, those of you who know the Chairman of the Perindo Party, please raise your finger,” Berman asked the residents.

Immediately, a number of residents raised their fingers to answer Berman’s quick question. “I do, I do. I know him, Mr. Hary Tanoesoedibjo,” shouted a woman enthusiastically.


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