Menhan Prabowo Subianto Bangga Unhan RI Cetak Sejarah Luluskan 75 Sarjana Kedokteran Militer


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Bogor – Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto expressed his pride that the Defense University (Unhan) of Indonesia has made history by graduating the first military doctors in Indonesia.

“Why do I say this is historic, because for the first time Unhan has produced 75 graduates of military medicine,” said Prabowo in his speech at the graduation of Unhan students in Sentul, Bogor, on Monday (12/2).

Prabowo also highlighted Indonesia’s need for 140,000 doctors to address the issue of healthcare personnel.

“We started a few years ago from Unhan, and now our capacity is only 75 doctors. Whereas our country needs an additional 140,000 doctors,” he revealed.

“There is a shortage of 140,000 doctors in Indonesia, and if we fill in the gap of 140,000, it will only meet the criteria of a country recognized by the United Nations with adequate health standards for a modern country,” he explained.

A total of 573 graduates who attended today’s event consisted of 17 doctoral graduates, 273 from the Faculty of Defense Strategy, 69 from the Faculty of Defense Management, 82 from the Faculty of National Security, 57 from the Faculty of Defense Science and Technology, and 75 from the Bachelor of Military Medicine program (SENOPATI).


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